Saturday, September 27, 2014

Well hello beautiful glorious fall!

A couple weekends back we were able to experience something through Addison's eyes.  It's one of my favorite things being a parent.  I love watching a brand new experience through her eyes.  

Addi is always aware and taking things in.  She has been this way since she was born.  Can't miss what is going on!  She loves to watch, learn and try it on her own.

She loves holding our hand and guiding us to where she needs to be.  Seeing her hold her daddy's hand is always one of my favorite moments.  Nothing like a daddy daughter relationship!

Fall is such a special time each year.  The air has a new crisp-ness to it.  Kind of like a breath of fresh air.  The hot and busy summer days are fading away, the holidays will be here before you know it, but the fall gives you a chance to catch your breath.

And fall gives you a chance to do simple things like pick pumpkins.  Finding the right ones to sit on your door step to decorate or carve.  It seems to always take hours more than it should.  It starts with one simple task of picking pumpkins.  But making memories, taking pictures, and deciding which is just the right one, always makes the time longer and that much more perfect.

Life is simpler in the fall.  A great reminder of God's love for us.  He is the breath of fresh air to our busy lives.  He is what fills us with joy and blessings.

He also gives us sweet little girls to love.  

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