Sunday, May 6, 2012

Arbor Day Farm

Almost two months ago Eric and I visited Nebraska and went to the Arbor Day Foundation Park.  It was just about spring so flowers were blooming and trees had some buds.  It was a beautiful day!  I LOVE the outdoors as a teacher.  I have done something called "Trail Thursday" in my class where we ventured into the wood every other Thursday.  We would do various outdoor activities while out on the trail and the students loved it! 

Anyway, another great outdoor learning experiences are called outdoor classrooms.  A nearby school here has one and I was able to help plant, move dirt, and get the classroom created.  The Arbor Day Farm in Nebraska has a large outdoor classroom and I loved taking pictures of all the centers and wonderful areas for students to create.  Eric is ready to make something like this for our kids someday in our backyard.  I am all for it!

Welcome to the Nature Explore Classroom!

This area has fabric you can tie to all the branches to make a tent, hammock, or anything your creative heart desires!

This would be my favorite place!

They even have supplies from the area to use.

The music area is always a favorite - and obviously for the "big kids" too :)

This spider web climbing area was very neat!

This was something I hadn't seen before.  They have sections for all the senses.  This one was to help hear all the sounds around you.  It makes you look really cool.  :)

It was a fun trip!  Spring was showing all around us - it was beautiful!

Hope you all had a great weekend!

E & E

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